Worms in children - symptoms of infection and causes

The incidence of worms y children is not uncommon. In the risk group are children of breast age and older children. We need to understand what are the types of deworming, and how it is possible to become infected. Only early prevention can protect your child from such unpleasant phenomena.

Worm infestation

Why are there worms y kids

There are several ways of infection with parasites of the y children:

  • through insect bites;
  • when eating half-baked meat;
  • through dirty hands;
  • upon contact with objects on which they are reared eggs worming;
  • through unwashed vegetables and fruits.

The great prevalence of parasites among children's age groups is due to the fact that the eggs of the worms have microscopic dimensions. They are in calais, directly around the anus, on the groin y a sick child.

Important! To avoid re-infection with worms, we must necessarily wash bedding toddler on the maximum of the large temperature, after which pat with the iron.

The child may itch, than it contributes to the spread of worms. The eggs fall on the hands, under the nails, on the bedding, after which spread in the environment. With worms can easily infect other children, adults, or re-infect a child alone.

In particular, it is the children who pop everything into the mouth, not washing hands before eating. It is also the most common source of infection with worms is a children's sandbox, and especially if it is open.

Another route of infection is the consumption of infected meat of animals that have passed sufficient heat treatment. Also presents the danger of fish both freshwater and marine.

Important! Do not give the baby to eat sushi, because it is often prepared with raw fish. It can cause an infection with worms. find out what are the first symptoms of worms y children.


Types of worms

There are a large amount of deworming, which are able to hit a human body. Can be placed not only in the intestine, but also in other organs, where they are transferred to the flow of blood – the liver, the lungs, the heart, the core of the brain, eyes, gall bladder.

Remember! Give the children a tablet from worms without a prescription is strictly prohibited!

Basic parasites of man are divided into these groups:

  • flukes;
  • hookworm;
  • cestodes.

The general characteristics of the hookworms

Hookworm – the most common types of worms in children. The round worms include:

  • whipworm;
  • pinworms;
  • Trichinella;
  • the roundworm.

Infect them you can when the eggs worming they get into the digestive tract, after that settle in the intestines of the child. This can happen through dirty hands, when eating unwashed food. Children under one year are also prone to infestation of nematodes, because they explore the surrounding world, pop everything into his mouth.

Important! Small children often become infected with worms, because y them until the end of a developed digestive system. Inadequate amounts of enzymes are able to neutralize the eggs of the parasites, which get into the stomach.

Hookworm negatively affect not matured organism of children:

  • cause damage to the tissues, the intestines;
  • feeds the beneficial substances that come with food;
  • can cause blockage of the bile ducts;
  • appear nausea, disorders of the chair;
  • the child feels the decline of forces.

Also often develop an allergic reaction to the waste products of the parasites, can occur small rash, dermatitis.

Enterobiasis - pinworms

Enterobiasisy children – one of the most common diseases, which is caused by pinworm. It's the little worms the size of up to 1 cm, which live in the intestines (read how to take the analysis of enterobiasis).

Worm infestation happens when the eggs of worms get into the digestive system. They are very open to the environment, it is not always killed by cleaning with disinfectant, but break down from high temperature during boiling.

The eggs of pinworms can be in the body of a sick child, on the subjects of interiors, utensils, toys. Therefore gets infection is very easy.

Important! If in the child's stool you have seen white worms – you can be sure that it is pinworms.

The most characteristic symptom in the enterobiasis – occurrence of severe itching around the anus, especially at night and in the evening. The child can badly to fall asleep, in the back, crying, capricious. In most cases, pinworms are not dangerous for the health of the child, but brings a lot of discomfort.

Ascariasis – symptoms and dangers

Ascariasis is characterized by the contamination of the human body dangerous parasites – ascaride. They impress not only the colon, but also the lungs, liver, and heart.

Worms in the lungs manifested by these symptoms:

  • an increase in temperature to 38°C;
  • the appearance of the sputum with blood;
  • dry cough;
  • weakness and pain all over the body.

Important! When damage to the body ascaride may develop asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis.

Also often increases the lymph nodes, the spleen, the rash appears on the body.

Later 2-3 months, roundworm can penetrate into the intestine, after which appear various disorders of the digestive system:

  • diarrhea;
  • constipation;
  • nausea;
  • bloating.

Important! Worms in the liver can block the biliary way, than to provoke the emergence of mechanical jaundice.

Cestodes y child

The cestode belongs as parasites:

  • tapeworm;
  • bullish tapeworm;
  • dog tapeworms;
  • Echinococcus;
  • tapeworm wide;
  • the pig tapeworm.
Belt tapeworm

Tape worms feed on the nutrients that come through food – vitamin B12, folic acid and other. In return, the poisoning of toxic waste that remain after their life.

Symptoms of the occurrence of cestodes is:

  • causeless weight loss or gain weight;
  • disorders of the digestive system;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • quick fatigue;
  • a decrease in immunity.

The main way of infection of the cestode is the consumption of poorly roasted meat, which contain eggs of worms. Dog tapeworm often occurs in children who are constantly in contact with dogs.

Important! Feature of these parasites is that they can reach 40-50 m and live in the human intestine up to 20 years.

Flukes – function

The parasites species of flukes include:

  • siberian Fluke;
  • paragonimiasis;
  • schistosomiasis;
  • liver Fluke.

Flukes can live in the intestines, liver, lungs and other organs. The eggs of worms posted on the bloodstream to all organs and systems of man.

Important! Flat worms still called flukes, because on your body they have suction cups. Thanks to them for a living.

The main way of infection – through undercooked meat, fish, when consuming contaminated water.

Symptoms that indicate the presence of flat worms:

  • the appearance of dermatitis;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • enlargement of the liver;
  • the occurrence of jaundice;
  • disorders of the chair;
  • anemia.

Giardiasis in children

Giardiasis cause giardia – microorganisms that attack the intestine. Infection occurs via cysts, which stand out with the feces of a sick person. Can long time stay in the environment up to the point fall on the child.

Important! Enough to swallow several cysts (read, what is it the cysts of Giardia), to get infected by giardiasis.

Often the disease occurs without symptoms and disappear within a few weeks without treatment. Sometimes they appear digestive disorders, increased temperature, pain in the abdomen, the child may lose weight.

Worm infestation of children is not uncommon. It is important to observe the rules of hygiene, frequent hand washing, to accustom the child not to take toys into the mouth, to avoid such an unpleasant phenomenon. To determine the y of the child symptoms which are characteristic in the presence of worms, you have to necessarily visit a doctor.